The BUPA Mugdoch House project was a new build, 64 bed residential home that offers care for dementia & alzheimer suffers and palliative care. The building consists of a Ground, 1st and 2nd Floor with plant space, ancillary accommodation and kitchen facilities located at 2nd Floor level.
ACTS Partnership Ltd designed the M&E building services and developed the systems closely with the Client and project teams. The premises benefits from the integration of low zero carbon technology air to water heat pump and a solar thermal hot water system. The installed ASHP and solar thermal system qualified for the Renewable Heating Incentive (RHI) scheme.
One of the main value for money initiatives on this project was the simplification of the mechanical ventilation. A preference was expressed by the Architect in the early stages of the project to centralise the ventilation to minimise the amount penetrations through the building fabric. This had significant implications on fire separation due to the occupancy classification of a care home, resulting in large numbers of fire / smoke dampers together with the associated controls and ongoing maintenance commitment. Through close collaboration with the Architect and Client a suitable detail was developed for the ventilation exhaust louvre, sympathetic to the building aesthetics, to allow local exhaust ventilation at each bedroom.
ACTS were appointed by the design build contractor to carry out the detailed design of the M&E services installation.
The Biobank Repository UK enhanced and expanded their existing DNA storage facility to a larger site located in Milton Keynes. A highly resilient services & electrical supply infrastructure was developed which included generator back-up, UPS and harmonic filtering of the supply. The infrastructure developed was employed as the first line of defence to ensure that the 50,000 DNA samples would be secure within the ultra-low-temperature storage systems. In addition, there was the formation of a number of process laboratories, which also needed to be power resilient to protect samples and equipment.
Throughout the building, all equipment was protected by a large scale INERGEN fire suppression system and a VESDA detection system. This offered the earliest detection and auto-extinguishing techniques which were a critical requirement on this project. Several of the laboratories required clinical standard mechanical services, which included low velocity air delivery, comfort cooling, fume extraction, compressed air, vacuum and ultra pure water distribution.