The lottery funded project comprises of the refurbishment and extension of
an existing and disparate storage building for our client Voluntary Action. The
accommodation comprises of a series of office spaces and communal areas
for VA and other local community groups. Key communal resources include a
double height café and a large central circulation area which is lit by an internal
ACTS were responsible for the detailed design of the mechanical and electrical
services installation including underfloor heating, mechanical ventilation to
cafe kitchen and internal rooms, public health services, lighting, small power, fire
alarms and security.
ACTS were sensitive to the budget constraints of the project. Through close collaboration
with the client and design team, a fit for purpose, cost effective service
solution was developed.
community centre. ACTS were appointed by the design build contractor to carry out the detailed design of the M&E services installation. The building was designed in accordance with all relevant SHTMs.
The building comprised of consulting rooms, IT resource centre, meeting and multi
purpose rooms, and sub-let pharmacy.
Heating, ventilation, public health, lighting, small power, and fire alarms were incorporated in our design. Toilet areas were provided with anti-drug abuse fluorescent blue lighting.